Empire Ranch Golf Club offers one of the premier practice facilities in the Eastern Sacramento Valley. We offer a driving range hitting off of artificial mats. Our short game area, located adjacent to the first tee offers players the opportunity to hit shots from up to 50 yards to a real green.
It offers a variety of lies to make sure that you are ready for your next round. Closer to the clubhouse is our large putting green. This is a great place to work on your lag putting from long distance or to hone in your short putts.
Range usually closes one hour before sunset, and opens at sunrise, Thursday through Tuesday. The driving range is open at 10:00am on Wednesday due to maintenance.
Range Balls
- $6 | Small Bucket | 35 balls
- $12 | Medium Bucket | 70 balls
- $16 | Large Bucket | 100 balls
Empire Ranch Range Key Program
Range Keys available Call for details.